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A Year of Intentional Learning

As we wind down 2024, I’ve found myself reflecting on The Arc’s many accomplishments during the year. Many of them are typical measures of the effectiveness of all nonprofits, for example how many people we served and how people felt about the work we did with them. While those measures are important, what struck me was how different, and transformational, this year was for us.

Our chapter consciously made 2024 our Year of Intentional Learning, and that learning gave us a clarity of direction that would have otherwise been impossible to achieve. We conducted focus groups and sent out surveys. We interviewed individuals with IDD and family members. We looked at trends in the advocacy requests coming in and spent considerable time thinking about how to best ensure we’re serving people well across the lifespan.

Critically, we asked what was important to you, and we listened intently. These transformational changes have been achievable because of what we learned from you.

Teens & Young Adults

What you taught us: Teens and young adults need focused advocacy that specializes in the challenges facing that age group.

What we did: We reorganized our advocacy team and hired new team members to support this age group both proactively and responsively!

Young Families

What you taught us: Young families need information in digestible portions and in a way that fits their incredibly busy lives. Families also need connections to each other, at least as much as they need information. A community of support matters.

What we did: We developed a Parent Empowerment Series intended for families of young children. The series will begin with an in-person opening session where people can begin to build relationships and create community. The bulk of the series will be held virtually, and the group will come back together at the end to celebrate and reconnect in person.

Peer Support

What you taught us: Lived experience matters, and people with IDD want to be connected to and supported by people who can share their lived experiences for the benefit of others.

What we did: We developed a new model of Peer Support that will be piloted in our community in early 2025.

Our Year of Intentional Learning resulted in outcomes we could not have predicted, and we couldn’t be more grateful to you, our community, for your support of this learning through your participation. Whether you responded to a survey, participated in important discussions, or donated financial support to sustain our efforts, thank you. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Next year will be another year of Intentional Learning, but through implementing what we learned this year. We are excited to hear what you think of our changes and I welcome your feedback directly at Please reach out, I would love to connect with you!

Thank You To Our Transformative Partner FirstBank!

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